380 Results for:

May 6, 2003

Council Launches Blue-Ribbon Commission to Craft Urgently Needed New Strategy for Colombia and the Andes

MAY 6, 2003 - The Center for Preventive Action, a Council on Foreign Relations conflict prevention initiative, has launched a new Commission to make concrete recommendations for mitigating deadly con…

January 7, 2004

United States
U.S. Policy on ‘Drugs and Thugs’ in the Andes Cannot Achieve U.S. Regional Goals of Democracy, Prosperity, and Security, Concludes Council Commission

January 8, 2004 - Over the past two decades the United States has spent billions of dollars and significant manpower in the Andes region to stem the flow of illegal drugs; assist local security for…

April 11, 2016

Geoeconomic Tools Can Preserve U.S. Global Power, Write Blackwill and Harris in New Book

“Despite having the most powerful economy on earth, the United States too often reaches for the gun instead of the purse,” contend Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Senior Fellows Robert D. Blackwil…

November 14, 2016

U.S. and Israel Must Act to Preserve Partnership, Say Blackwill and Gordon in New Report

“The U.S.-Israel relationship is in trouble,” warn Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellows Robert D. Blackwill and Philip H. Gordon in a new Council Special Report, Repairing the U.S.-Israel Rela…

February 25, 2016

CFR Report: China’s Slowing Economy Will Fuel A More Nationalist Foreign Policy

In light of China’s deepening economic slowdown, “China’s foreign policy may well be driven increasingly by the risk of domestic political instability,” write Robert D. Blackwill, Henry A. Kissinger …