40 Results for:

June 4, 2003

Global Attitudes Toward America: War With Iraq Further Divides Global Publics

The Pew Global Attitudes Project released a major report on Global Attitudes Toward America this week, and will hold a meeting on June 4 at the Council on Foreign Relations to discuss the results fro…

January 8, 2003

United States
Global Health Should Be Major U.S. Foreign Policy Concern According to New CFR-Milbank Publication

For further information contact: April Palmerlee, Director of Communications 434-9544 April 19, 2001 – Health epidemics have killed more people than wars in the part decades and have the potential…

February 7, 2007

Report Calls for Military Disengagement From Iraq

“The United States should...make clear now to the Iraqi government that, as the results of the anticipated surge become apparent, the two sides will begin to negotiate a U.S. military disengagement f…

December 15, 2014

CFR Survey Ranks ISIS Threat to Iraq Top Conflict Prevention Priority in 2015

The intensification of the crisis in Iraq due to advances by the militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is the top conflict prevention priority for U.S. policymakers in 2015, accor…

January 8, 2003

United States
Robert E. Rubin and Kenneth M. Duberstein Bipartisan Task Force Recommends Path to New Consensus on Trade Expansion

Contact: Lisa Shields, Director of Communications, (212) 439 7926 or [email protected] KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: GIVE THE PRESIDENT TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY NOW, AND USE THE BENEFITS OF TRADE EXPAN…