513 Results for:

January 4, 2024

Conflict Prevention
Conflicts to Watch in 2024

For CFR’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey, U.S. foreign policy experts assessed the likelihood and impact of thirty potential conflicts that could emerge or escalate in 2024.

Masked members of the far-right group Patriot Front march through Washington, DC, holding American flags and riot shields.

August 25, 2022

West Africa
Preventing Conflict in Coastal West Africa

The Global Fragility Act allows the United States to encourage greater stability in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Togo over the next ten years, argues Eric Silla, though it will be contentio…

A police officer looks on protesters blocking the road in Conakry, Guinea.

September 8, 2022

A Smarter U.S. Assistance Strategy for Haiti

Implementing the Global Fragility Act in Haiti necessitates a change in U.S. assumptions and actions, writes Susan D. Page. The United States should work alongside Haitians desirous of charting their…

A woman runs past a burning barricade during a protest against growing fuel scarcity, soaring consumer prices, and crime in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on August 29, 2022.

January 13, 2021

Transatlantic Data Transfers

U.S. surveillance activities have alarmed European partners, throwing the future of transatlantic digital trade into question. The United States should embrace collaboration and protections for perso…

Yellow wires, tied together, hang from the back of a black and gray server.

April 19, 2023

Climate Change
Climate Security and Instability in the Bay of Bengal Region

The countries on the Bay of Bengal already face some of the world’s most severe natural disasters, and climate change will likely make things worse. Sarang Shidore argues the United States should partner with regional organizations to increase mititagion efforts.