106 Results for:

December 3, 2018

Advancing Natural Gas Reform in Ukraine

The Donald J. Trump administration should place energy-sector reform at the center of its relationship with Ukraine. Doing so would constitute a low-risk, high-reward strategy for Washington to counter Moscow’s influence at the NATO border.

A Ukrainian worker checks gas valves of the main natural gas pipeline at the gas-compressor station in Boyarka village.

July 15, 2014

Global Economics Monthly: July 2014

Steven A. Tananbaum Senior Fellow for International Economics Robert Kahn discusses economic reform and rebalancing in China and their implications for future growth and crisis prevention.

February 13, 2023

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
The Global Governance of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases

Zoonotic diseases, naturally transmissible between humans and animals, have posed a growing public health threat for decades. However, existing institutional arrangements have fallen short. The wide-…

Officers spray disinfectant on a cattle farm that has been infected with foot and mouth disease in Indonesia.

May 13, 2009

China’s $1.5 Trillion Bet

Overview This is an update to the January 2009 Working Paper China’s $1.7 Trillion Bet. Download the original paper [PDF]. China is now by far the United States’ largest creditor. Its treasury …

China’s $1.5 Trillion Bet header

March 8, 2019

Energy and Environment
The Tech-Enabled Energy Future

A new wave of energy innovation is remaking the transportation, electricity, and manufacturing sectors. This revolution is already creating uncertainty about the future energy landscape, lessening common interests between oil producing nations and the world’s largest economies.

NuTonomy’s driverless car, the first to launch in Boston, takes a spin around Drydock Avenue in South Boston, on January 4, 2017.