15 Results for:

June 14, 2024

Labor and Employment
Labor Unions Are Getting Stronger. What Does That Mean for the U.S. Economy?

Organized labor saw a historic resurgence in activity in 2023. Shifting U.S. trade policy under both Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden could continue to prioritize workers regardless of who wins …

September 8, 2022

U.S. Life Expectancy Is in Decline. Why Aren’t Other Countries Suffering the Same Problem?

COVID-19 is contributing to a dramatic decline in the average lifespan of Americans. The drop-off is canceling out decades of public health gains and stretching the gap between the United States and …

November 29, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccinations: Visualizing a Year of Global Progress and Inequity

It’s been almost a year since the first COVID-19 vaccines were approved, and half of the world is at least partly vaccinated. Now, the emergence of the omicron variant is underscoring the risks of un…

November 23, 2021

Energy and Environment
Biden Wants to Increase U.S. Offshore Wind Energy. Can He Do It?

The Biden administration has unveiled plans to dramatically ramp up the nation’s offshore wind industry to help fulfill U.S. climate pledges. How realistic is the roadmap?

March 19, 2020

Oil and Petroleum Products
The Oil Price Shock: Who’s Most Vulnerable in the Coronavirus Slump?

A long dip in oil prices could put several oil-producing countries under great strain, but some are better positioned than others to weather the downturn from the coronavirus.