55 Results for:

November 14, 2022

Germany’s China Policy: Has It Learned From Its Dependency on Russia?

The German economy remains heavily dependent on China, its largest trading partner, despite mounting geopolitical tensions between the West and Beijing.

December 2, 2020

Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Trump and Section 230: What to Know

President Trump has threatened to veto a major defense funding bill because of a law that protects social media companies such as Twitter from liability for what their users post. Why is it controversial?

President Donald Trump's Twitter profile is shown against a backdrop of the Twitter logo.

August 24, 2022

United States
How Does U.S. Voter Turnout Compare to the Rest of the World’s?

The debate over how to address persistently low voter turnout is heating up ahead of the midterm elections.

August 28, 2023

Zimbabwe’s Flawed Election Results Meet With Regional Skepticism

Voter suppression and intimidation directed by the government marred Zimbabwe’s elections, which reaffirmed incumbent Emmerson Mnangagwa’s power and will likely prolong the country’s dysfunction and …

November 22, 2021

The Crisis in Sudan: What to Know

Neither the military nor pro-democracy forces are backing down after last month’s coup. The stakes are high not only for Sudan, but also for fragile democracies across Africa.