54 Results for:

June 10, 2024

How Will the EU Elections Results Change Europe?

Far-right advances in the European Parliament elections have destabilized politics in France, a longstanding pillar of the European Union, and highlighted fault lines in the bloc.

April 3, 2024

Thirty Years After Rwanda’s Genocide: Where the Country Stands Today

After the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the country has made tremendous strides toward peace and development. But critics say these have come at the cost of political freedoms.   

January 31, 2024

Pakistan Is on Edge Ahead of 2024 Elections

Pakistan’s military is set to again play kingmaker in elections that will determine how the nuclear-armed country grapples with an economic crisis, political upheaval aggravated by the arrest of Imra…

December 12, 2023

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo Holds Tense Elections: What to Know

Congo’s elections on December 20 are unlikely to deliver meaningful change to address massive insecurity in the east, corruption scandals, and persistent poverty.

August 28, 2023

Zimbabwe’s Flawed Election Results Meet With Regional Skepticism

Voter suppression and intimidation directed by the government marred Zimbabwe’s elections, which reaffirmed incumbent Emmerson Mnangagwa’s power and will likely prolong the country’s dysfunction and …

January 11, 2023

The West Is Sending Light Tanks to Ukraine. Will They Make a Difference?

Ukraine is set to receive dozens of light tanks from the United States, France, and Germany. How will these weapons bolster Ukraine’s defense against Russia?

A Marder infantry fighting vehicle rolls ashore from a floating bridge in Saxony, Germany..

April 17, 2023

Thailand’s Elections Are a Critical Moment for the Kingdom—and the Region

Thailand’s May 14 national elections could see an overwhelming opposition victory, but the military aligned with the king may try to manipulate the results. That would be a disastrous setback.

August 31, 2023

Thailand’s Turbulence: Implications for the Region and the World

Thailand’s national elections saw a resounding vote for democratic change, but the ruling elite have maneuvered to preserve power, potentially setting in motion another round of political upheaval.