265 Results for:

February 4, 2022

How Do the Militaries of Russia and Ukraine Stack Up?

Russia’s extraordinary show of force in and around Ukraine underscores the military imbalance between the two countries. 

November 23, 2021

Energy and Environment
Biden Wants to Increase U.S. Offshore Wind Energy. Can He Do It?

The Biden administration has unveiled plans to dramatically ramp up the nation’s offshore wind industry to help fulfill U.S. climate pledges. How realistic is the roadmap?

January 15, 2021

Transition 2021
How Can Corporate Leaders Do More to Defend Democracy?

In the wake of the assault on the U.S. Capitol, corporate leaders have taken a strong stand for democratic institutions. How does this fit into trends of corporate activism, and what comes next?

November 17, 2022

Do Iran’s Women Protesters Have the Power to Topple the Regime?

Despite limits to their political and social power, Iranian women are leading protests that could jeopardize the regime.

January 13, 2021

Transition 2021
After Trump: What Will Biden Do on Trade?

President Trump disrupted U.S. trade policy in the name of better deals. President-Elect Biden proposes a combination of stronger domestic investment and better coordination with allies.