89 Results for:

February 10, 2022

Costa Rica
Costa Rica’s Presidential Election: What to Know

The two leading candidates to emerge from a large field reflect voters’ concerns about economic malaise and corruption, but there’s little sign of the upheaval seen in other regional elections.

February 16, 2021

United States
Breaking Down Biden’s Immigration Actions Through Abbreviations

Abbreviations are a fixture of U.S. immigration policy. CFR explains some of the most commonly referenced agencies, policies, and programs, and what President Biden is doing about them.

The U.S. flag appears against a yellow sky with a dark fence looming behind it.

November 15, 2021

Climate Change
COP26: Here’s What Countries Pledged

Governments endorsed the Glasgow Climate Pact and made new pledges on deforestation, methane emissions, coal, and more. But critics say they failed to secure more ambitious commitments to limit globa…

December 21, 2022

Technology and Innovation
What Does the Cryptocurrency Decline Mean for Bitcoin Countries?

El Salvador and the Central African Republic have made Bitcoin legal tender, but market volatility has undermined the experiment.

April 20, 2021

COVID-19 and the Threat to Press Freedom in Central and Eastern Europe

Restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased threats to press freedom in the region, raising questions over how to respond.