45 Results for:

April 19, 2019

The Fight for Libya: What to Know

Khalifa Haftar’s march on the Libyan capital is a bid for control of a fragmented state. Backed by a set of powerful governments, he could carry on the fight for a long time.    

Libya fighters

July 17, 2019

France’s Tech Tax: What to Know

With France raising taxes on big tech firms, Washington says American companies are being unfairly targeted.

June 28, 2022

Ukraine Could Become an EU Member. What Would That Mean?

Ukraine’s first steps toward eventual EU membership are the start of a long process that has raised the stakes in the country’s war with Russia.

September 15, 2020

Peace Talks Have Begun in Afghanistan, Major Pitfalls Await

Afghanistan Peace Talks Have Begun, Major Pitfalls Await

September 25, 2019

Rouhani Punctures Hope for Iran-U.S. Thaw

Iran’s president used his UN address to dispel notions about ramped-up diplomacy with the United States or fundamental changes to Iranian actions in the Persian Gulf.