35 Results for:

November 5, 2019

Who’s Who in Northern Syria?

With Turkey’s latest military offensive, here’s a rundown of the different forces in the region.

April 6, 2020

Can the World Alleviate Idlib’s Humanitarian Disaster Amid a Pandemic?

At the outset of 2020, the conflict in Idlib province was emerging as the worst humanitarian crisis of Syria’s nine-year war. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has made relief efforts even more difficult…

September 9, 2019

Time to Reboot the Mistake-Riddled U.S.-Taliban Peace Talks

President Trump’s announcement to halt peace talks in Afghanistan gives U.S. negotiators a chance to correct three critical mistakes.

June 20, 2019

Will Gulf Nations Tip the Balance in Sudan Crisis?

Gulf powers have lined up behind Sudan’s ruling military council. Where Sudan goes from here could depend on whether other powers play a countervailing role.

Sudanese protesters wave national flags and shout slogans during a protest outside the army complex in the capital Khartoum

April 24, 2020

Will the Coronavirus Endanger Foreign Aid?

As the coronavirus pandemic increases the need for aid around the world, donors are facing tough choices over whether to continue helping vulnerable populations abroad or focus their attention at hom…