240 Results for:

January 21, 2021

Transition 2021
The Biden-Harris Inauguration: A Tense Tableau

The inauguration of President Joe Biden was unlike any U.S. power transition in modern times, providing stark imagery of a country at a crossroads.  

December 18, 2020

Energy and Climate Policy
What’s Next for Fracking Under Biden?

President-Elect Joe Biden has walked a fine line on fracking, seeking to allow the practice while proposing restrictions to limit its greenhouse gas emissions. How have other countries approached fra…

November 23, 2021

Energy and Environment
Biden Wants to Increase U.S. Offshore Wind Energy. Can He Do It?

The Biden administration has unveiled plans to dramatically ramp up the nation’s offshore wind industry to help fulfill U.S. climate pledges. How realistic is the roadmap?

April 20, 2023

United States
How to Prepare for the Future After Seven Decades of the U.S.-South Korea Alliance

The United States and South Korea are marking their seventy-year alliance with a state visit amid tighter defense collaboration. But the alliance “forged in blood” should now evolve to be powered by chips, batteries, and clean technology.

December 30, 2020

Transition 2021
What’s Next for Foreign Aid Under Biden?

The Trump administration sought to reframe foreign aid around competition with China and Russia, but shrinking budgets and inconsistent policies undermined the effort. How will President-Elect Joe Bi…