55 Results for:

May 6, 2019

Loving Dictators Is as American as Apple Pie

Trump has embraced yet another strongman, this time in Libya. But it’s not just a personal failing—it’s a national tradition.

U.S. President Donald Trump gestures as he addresses the 148th National Rifle Association (NRA) annual meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S., April 26, 2019.

September 5, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
The End of Hope in the Middle East

The region has always had problems—but it’s now almost past the point of recovery.

February 13, 2019

Middle East and North Africa
The Middle East Doesn’t Admire America Anymore

What a late-night meal in Italy taught me about U.S. power in the Arab world.

A woman stands next to an inflatable tank with U.S. President Donald Trump outside an art exhibition 'MonuMental' by the pseudonymous artist, Saint Hoax in downtown Beirut, Lebanon October 12, 2018

January 8, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
America’s Vaccine Diplomacy Is AWOL in the Middle East.

China and Russia are spreading their vaccines—and forging new ties—to some of Washington’s closest allies.

November 13, 2020

United States
America Is Drifting Toward an Iraqi Future

Once a country loses its sense of national identity, a national unraveling is often not far behind.

Pro-Trump (R) and anti-Trump demonstrators argue at the Michigan state capitol on November 08, 2020 in Lansing, Michigan.