247 Results for:

April 17, 2024

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Conceived as the principal defenders of the 1979 revolution, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has evolved into an institution with vast political, economic, and military power.

Members of the Revolutionary Guards attend a parliamentary session in Tehran.

January 27, 2005

IRAQ: Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani

This publication is now archived. Who is the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani?He is the most important Shiite cleric in Iraq, where the population is about 60 percent Shiite. The reclusive, Iranian-bor…

April 18, 2024

Palestinian Territories
What Is Hamas?

The Palestinian militant group struggled to govern the Gaza Strip before launching a surprise attack on Israel in 2023. Now facing Israel’s military campaign to destroy it, Hamas’s future is in doubt…

Gun-toting Hamas militants ride a vehicle amid a massive crowd of the group's supporters

June 17, 2009

Presidential Power in Iran

Iran’s Supreme Leader remains the regime’s ultimate authority but controversy surrounding the country’s June 12 presidential election has raised new questions about the role and power of the head of …

June 15, 2005

IRAN: Presidential Candidates

This publication is now archived. Who is running for Iran’s presidency?Seven candidates are vying to succeed Mohammed Khatami as president of Iran, including frontrunner and former president Akbar Ha…

March 18, 2024

India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population

India’s Muslim communities have faced decades of discrimination, which experts say has worsened under the Hindu nationalist BJP’s government.

Muslim women in India hold signs during a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act.