85 Results for:

December 22, 2023

Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate

Venezuela’s ongoing descent into economic and political chaos is a cautionary tale of the dangerous influence that resource wealth can have on developing countries.

People walk past an oil-themed mural in Caracas, Venezuela.

November 10, 2010

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Foreign Policy and the 2010 Midterms: New START and Arms Control

A new arms control agreement with Russia has met political opposition in the U.S. Senate, and some analysts believe its fate is tied to the outcome of the 2010 midterm elections. This Backgrounder ex…

September 28, 2007

The Iraq Data Debate: Civilian Casualties from 2006 to 2007

Gen. David Petraeus’ assertions about falling casualties in Iraq are supported by a range of objective sources. But his testimony to Congress does not establish whether the decline is attributable to…

June 28, 2022

North Korea
North Korea’s Military Capabilities

Kim Jong-un has accelerated North Korea’s buildup of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, while also modernizing its large conventional force.

Vehicles carry missiles during a military parade in Pyongyang.

November 14, 2006

Wars and Conflict
Iraq’s Post-Saddam Insurgency

With Saddam sentenced to death, experts say Sunni insurgents will fight on in an effort to rid Iraq of U.S. forces and avoid Shiite political dominance.