104 Results for:

May 22, 2009

Nourishing Afghanistan’s Agricultural Sector

International actors are redoubling efforts to restore Afghanistan’s agriculture sector and weaken the massive opium trade that helps fund the Taliban. But competing strategies and corruption could s…

January 11, 2023

United States
How Does the U.S. Government Use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the world’s largest stockpile of emergency crude oil, has helped shield the United States from energy supply crunches, but debate persists over its management.

A photo of steel oil pipelines at a refinery.

October 22, 2018

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The Uncertain Future of the INF Treaty

Backgrounder examines the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which may now be imperiled by mutual suspicion between Russia and the United States.

December 22, 2010

United States
The Debate Over Airport Security

New screening measures at U.S. airports are being called overly intrusive by some passengers and civil rights groups. National security experts advise using a system that relies more on intelligence,…

May 4, 2011

The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations

Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI, faces persistent accusations of links to terrorism, despite repeated denials.