146 Results for:

September 19, 2024

United Nations
What Is the UN General Assembly?

The General Assembly hosts a much-watched debate of world leaders annually. Its 2024 meeting is expected to emphasize climate change, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the wars in the Gaza Strip…

A large UNGA sign is photographed in front of the United Nations buildings.

June 14, 2007

Is U.S. Troop Morale Slipping?

Despite eroding public support for the Iraq war, troop morale remains high. Experts warn that could change as U.S. forces get further bogged down in Iraq.

August 21, 2024

United States
Foreign Policy at the U.S. National Political Conventions

Foreign policy issues regularly come to the fore at the national political conventions, especially during periods of global instability. Sometimes the events are marked by bitter disagreements within…

Delegates cheer on the floor of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City.

February 10, 2023

Latin America
Can Amazon Countries Save the Rain Forest?

The Amazon Rainforest plays a critical role in global climate health, but accelerating deforestation continues to raise alarm. How are the region’s governments responding?

A deforested area of the rain forest near the Trans-Amazonian Highway in Brazil.

May 12, 2006

Bolivia’s Nationalization of Oil and Gas

In a region seen as turning leftward, forging alliances would seem a natural course of events. But Bolivian President Evo Morales’ decision to nationalize the oil and gas industry is exposing tension…

June 15, 2023

China’s Growing Influence in Latin America

For more than two decades, China has developed close economic and security ties with many Latin American countries, including Brazil and Venezuela. But Beijing’s growing sway in the region has raised…

China is helping to build a new national library in San Salvador, El Salvador.