88 Results for:

September 28, 2007

The Iraq Data Debate: Civilian Casualties from 2006 to 2007

Gen. David Petraeus’ assertions about falling casualties in Iraq are supported by a range of objective sources. But his testimony to Congress does not establish whether the decline is attributable to…

November 5, 2008

A Tribal Strategy for Afghanistan

As military leaders in Washington revise their war strategy for Afghanistan, analysts say enlisting Afghan tribesmen could aid in security. Others warn that what helped stabilize Iraq may play very d…

January 18, 2007

Wars and Conflict
Bush’s Baghdad Plan

President Bush’s new "surge" plan to clear and hold Baghdad’s neighborhoods faces a tough challenge from high levels of sectarian violence.

December 14, 2006

Defense and Security
Iraq’s Other Embeds: Advisers

Whatever emerges from the current review of U.S. Iraq policy, embedding more U.S. military advisers with Iraqi forces will be a vital component. But can this training effort help secure Iraq?

December 2, 2008

United States
James L. Jones, National Security Adviser

James L. Jones, a retired Marine commandant, brings extensive military and diplomatic experience to his new post as national security adviser for President Barack Obama.