24 Results for:

October 3, 2019

The Role of the European Central Bank

As Europe has weathered a succession of economic crises, the European Central Bank has responded with an aggressive set of monetary policies that have redefined the bank’s original mandate.

Workers repair the euro sign in front of ECB headquarters

September 12, 2007

Iraq Security Statistics

The U.S. military’s methodology for measuring violence in Iraq draws criticism from some quarters. The Pentagon concedes some kinds of violence don’t get included, but insists its consistent applic…

May 23, 2011

United States
Confronting the Cyber Threat

Foreign governments, non-state actors, and criminal networks are targeting the digital networks of the United States with increasing frequency and sophistication. U.S. cybersecurity has made progress…

March 27, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Prosecuting Terrorists after September 11

The prosecution of alleged terrorists in U.S. civilian criminal courts and in new military tribunals has been fraught with controversy. U.S. federal courts have gradually asserted their role in the m…

September 30, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Threat of Homegrown Islamist Terrorism

An increase in terror incidents involving Islamic radicals who are U.S. citizens is vexing law enforcement officials and posing new questions about the roots of their radicalization.