140 Results for:

February 3, 2005

IRAQ: Iraqi Ties to Terrorism

This publication is now archived. Has Iraq sponsored terrorism?Yes. Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein provided bases, training camps, and other support to terrorist groups fighting the government…

November 5, 2008

Ansar al-Islam (Iraq, Islamists/Kurdish Separatists), Ansar al-Sunnah

A profile of a militant Islamist Kurdish separatist movement seeking to transform Iraq into an Islamic state.

June 6, 2012

al-Qaeda (a.k.a. al-Qaida, al-Qa’ida)

A profile of the international terrorist network that the United States has singled out as the most serious threat to U.S. security.

July 2, 2012

Syria’s Leaders

As international attention focuses on the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad, cfr.org profiles some of the nation’s top leaders.

May 2, 2005

IRAQ: Cabinet Ministers

This publication is now archived. Who are the cabinet ministers in the new Iraqi government?Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari has filled all but one of the 32 ministerial cabinet slots and named thre…