58 Results for:

June 10, 2015

Fossil Fuels
Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

Hydraulic fracturing has unlocked huge reserves of shale gas and oil, transforming the energy outlook in the United States and the world, even as local opposition and falling world prices threaten th…

Shale gas fracking facility

March 14, 2012

United States
U.S. Trade Policy

Trade accounts for an increasing portion of the U.S. economy, and the Obama administration has embraced a ramped up export strategy. But debate persists over the merits of a vigorous free trade agend…

May 13, 2013

U.S. Broadband Policy and Competitiveness

With the economic benefits of broadband access rising, experts continue to debate how U.S. digital infrastructure compares to its international peers.

An internet cable in a server room.

March 21, 2006

Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security

This publication is now archived. What is the Department of Homeland Security? It’s the newest cabinet department, approved by Congress in November 2002. It’s designed to consolidate U.S. defen…

February 17, 2017

Media Censorship in China

China’s central government has cracked down on press freedom as the country expands its international influence, but in the internet age, many of its citizens hunger for a free flow of information.

Security guards block a journalist from taking photos in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.