22 Results for:

February 19, 2016

Iranian Election Truths and Myths

The first national elections since the Iranian nuclear agreement will neither lead to meaningful reforms nor moderation in government policies, writes CFR’s Ray Takeyh.

May 31, 2018

Iran’s Restive Middle-Class Poor

The latest recurrence of domestic protests in Iran stems from the country’s role in regional wars, combined with corruption and economic mismanagement. This discontent is likely to continue to pose a…

Opponents of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hold a protest outside the Iranian embassy in Rome, Italy, on January 2, 2018.

June 16, 2016

How Powerful Is Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps?

The Revolutionary Guards are involved in maintaining domestic order, projecting Iranian influence in the Mideast, and presiding over major business interests. They are poised to take on a bigger role…

April 7, 2016

Iran’s ‘Resistance Economy’ Debate

In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, debate has revived in the regime over how far to open up to outside trade and finance. It has become a struggle over Iran’s identity.

October 31, 2013

Reforming the Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood needs to withdraw and reform if it’s to become a viable political force in the years ahead. CFR’s Ed Husain highlights a course for change.