122 Results for:

March 26, 2015

Nigeria’s High Stakes Elections

Africa’s most populous country is holding tight elections amid a fierce insurgency and plummeting oil revenues. There are concerns that the vote could trigger a new round of instability, writes CFR’s…

December 5, 2013

South Africa
How Mandela Changed South Africa

The country Nelson Mandela leaves behind remains racially divided with deep economic problems. But South Africa has also emerged as a robust democracy, writes CFR’s John Campbell.

May 31, 2011

Why Sudan’s Peace Is in Jeopardy

Hostilities in Sudan might be relieved by a deal hammered out by former South African president Thabo Mbeki, but ethnic and religious divides, resource battles, and looming southern independence rema…

August 2, 2012

Addressing an Imploding Mali

Weak governance and radical jihadists are at the heart of Mali’s crisis, says CFR’s John Campbell, who cautions that any intervention should focus on humanitarian aid and diplomacy, not the security …

December 29, 2009

Nigeria’s Leadership Vacuum

The leadership void caused by the illness of Nigerian President Umaru Yar’adua could lead to domestic upheaval and a succession crisis, writes CFR’s John Campbell.