107 Results for:

July 6, 2017

North Korea
Taking On North Korea at the G20

North Korea’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile during the week of the Hamburg summit injects an air of crisis into an already tricky set of meetings.


October 9, 2014

United States
A Pivotal Moment for U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

The Obama administration’s review of its nuclear spending will shape the country’s arsenal for decades to come and could be the president’s final chance to influence arms control, writes CFR’s Adam M…

November 12, 2008

Economic Crises
For India, Crisis Brings Some Pain with Long-Term Opportunities

CFR Senior Fellow Adam Segal writes that India may be better positioned for a quick recovery from the global financial crisis than many other developing countries.

July 7, 2011

South Sudan’s Challenge to Africa’s Colonial Borders

South Sudan’s independence July 9 could encourage secession efforts elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, but elites in those countries will likely stymie those attempts at challenging colonial borders, a…

April 12, 2010

Reform, Not Revolution, for Thailand

The once-prosperous democratic ally of the United States faces continuing upheaval unless the elite and opposition agree to political reforms and a frank debate about the future of its monarchy, writ…