84 Results for:

April 5, 2024

Why the U.S.-Japan Summit Matters

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s Washington summit on April 11 comes at a time of deepening security cooperation as well as some challenges to economic ties.

Prime Minister Kishida and President Joe Biden walking together in the White House Garden.

May 16, 2024

What Does Putin Really Want in Ukraine?

Russia’s early setbacks in its invasion of Ukraine could have foreclosed on some of President Vladimir Putin’s sweeping war objectives, but he is unlikely to relent given the conflict’s momentum.  

Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with military commanders in Moscow, Russia, May 2024.

August 5, 2015

Rethinking Asia’s Postwar Settlement

The seventieth anniversary of the end of World War II is being marked in Northeast Asia by efforts to refresh—and revise—understandings of the brutal twentieth century war that laid the foundations o…

May 20, 2016

G7 (Group of Seven)
For Japan, a G7 to Remember

Japan hosts the G7 summit at a time of rising strategic tensions in Asia and worrisome global economic trends, but for many the gathering will be sidelined by a U.S. presidential visit to Hiroshima, …

September 22, 2010

Upping the Ante in China-Japan Clash

The escalating dispute between Beijing and Tokyo about Japan’s detention of a Chinese fishing boat captain is a challenge for Washington and raises concerns about Chinese maritime activities in the A…

September 19, 2012

Political Movements
Japan, China, and the Tide of Nationalism

Escalating friction between Japan and China in the East China Sea is becoming more difficult to contain, fed by political opportunism in both countries, says CFR’s Sheila Smith.