21 Results for:

January 25, 2010

Iraqi Elections: Political Tremors?

Reports of Sunnis being banned from Iraq’s March 7 elections are a reminder of the dangerous fault lines in Iraqi politics, which the United States can best influence with support rather than interfe…

January 19, 2017

Why Is Iran Imprisoning Iranian-Americans?

What is behind Iran’s latest seizures of expatriates visiting from the United States? An insecure regime fearful of close ties with the West.

December 2, 2009

Elections and Voting
Avoiding Elections at Any Cost in Iraq

CFR’s Rachel Schneller says Iraqi political factions should be given time to sort out their power-sharing rules rather than be rushed into elections in January 2010, a date pegged to U.S. troop withd…

June 16, 2016

How Powerful Is Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps?

The Revolutionary Guards are involved in maintaining domestic order, projecting Iranian influence in the Mideast, and presiding over major business interests. They are poised to take on a bigger role…

February 23, 2017

Better a Stalemate Than Defeat in Afghanistan

Without a major surge in force levels, the best outcome that the United States can hope for in Afghanistan is that the Taliban will tire of fighting and pursue peace, writes CFR’s Max Boot.