48 Results for:

December 6, 2010

United States
Why U.S.-Korea Trade Deal Matters

The new U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement has the potential to measurably spur the economy and reassure a top U.S. ally, but President Obama needs to take firmer steps to boost a flagging trade agenda,…

November 21, 2008

Economic Crises
Turkey’s Engine Shows Resilience

CFR Senior Fellow Steven Cook writes that Turkey’s economy is proving more resilient than expected in the face of the global economic downturn.

February 27, 2012

Economic Crises
No Great Firewall Will Save Europe

Talk among major economies is intensifying over a "financial firewall" to contain the eurozone crisis. But CFR’s Steven Dunaway says the emphasis should be on pressing debt-saddled states to make ref…

June 18, 2015

High Stakes in Greece

Greece teeters more than ever on the brink of a eurozone exit, a move that carries far greater consequences for Western interests than severing the monetary union, says CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby.

January 5, 2017

Are Conditions Ripening for Iraqi Kurdish State?

Iraqi Kurds have enjoyed virtual autonomy for more than two decades, but formal independence might finally be in reach due to changing realities facing Iraq and Turkey, writes CFR’s Steven A. Cook.