72 Results for:

June 23, 2011

Gauging the U.S. Commitment in Afghanistan

Did President Obama’s troop drawdown plan for Afghanistan undercut the campaign against the Taliban or was it too limited to meet U.S. goals? CFR President Richard N. Haass and Senior Fellow Max Boot…

December 17, 2013

Prospects for Afghanistan in 2014

Afghanistan faces a critical year as NATO-led troops draw down, international aid drops, and elections could deliver the country’s first democratic transfer of power. Five experts weigh Afghanistan’s…

March 28, 2014

Will Presidential Elections Bring Stability to Afghanistan?

Afghanistan’s presidential election could be a democratic milestone, or may be marred by insurgent violence and fraud. Four experts weigh the election’s importance.

October 5, 2006

Experts Urge Smarter Aid, Border Security Measures to Save Afghanistan

A group of experts advises everything from joint Afghan-Pakistani-NATO border patrols to more efficient reconstruction aid to help secure Afghanistan, as it marks a violent fifth year since the fall …

November 24, 2009

The al-Qaeda-Taliban Nexus

The threat posed by the al-Qaeda-Taliban relationship is a crucial element in U.S. strategic planning in Afghanistan. Four experts explore the changing nature of these sometimes murky ties.