24 Results for:

January 28, 2010

United States
The Tricky Path to U.S. Revival

President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address focused heavily, as expected, on domestic economic recovery and reasserting U.S. competitiveness. Six CFR experts noted different aspects of …

January 20, 2010

Homeland Security
Should Guantanamo Bay Be Closed?

Four experts discuss how legal and political developments should affect the Obama administration’s promise to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

December 28, 2010

United States
Reviving U.S. Power Abroad from Within

Seven experts examine how resolving pressing domestic policy issues, from education to infrastructure, could help bolster U.S. leadership internationally.

July 21, 2010

Debating the New START Treaty

With the U.S. Senate set to consider ratification of President Obama’s new nuclear nonproliferation strategy, four experts assess the strengths and weaknesses of the New START agreement.

August 14, 2008

Security Alliances
Solving the Crisis in the Caucasus

As global leaders scramble to find a solution to the Russia-Georgia conflict, five experts weigh in with possible solutions.