41 Results for:

March 23, 2015

Video: Why the Taliban Endures

The Taliban has outlasted the world’s most potent military forces and its two main factions now challenge the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan.  As U.S. troops draw down, the next phase of con…


September 13, 2016

United States
Climate Change and the Next U.S. President

The next president of the United States will play a critical role in shaping the country’s climate policy, deciding whether and how to reduce emissions, while minimizing any impact on economic growth…


April 21, 2014

Video: China’s Ongoing Maritime Disputes

The East and South China Seas are the scene of escalating territorial disputes between China and its neighbors, including Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The tensions, shaped by China’s growing …


July 16, 2014

Video: The Emerging Arctic

The northern reaches of the planet are melting at a pace few nations can afford to ignore, yielding potentially lucrative returns in energy, minerals, and shipping. But debate is mounting over whethe…


December 18, 2013

Human Rights
Video: Why Child Marriage Persists

Child marriage remains widespread in developing countries, disproportionately affecting girls and endangering their lives and livelihoods. Rooted in cultural tradition and poverty, the practice not o…
