70 Results for:

October 6, 2008

Steps to Halt the Slide

Economist Nouriel Roubini argues the $700 billion U.S. bailout bill will not alleviate frozen credit markets in the short term and encourages a series of steps to alleviate the current crisis.

November 3, 2009

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
More Afghan Troops Needed to Secure Afghanistan

As the Obama administration assesses American troop numbers in Afghanistan, the senior U.S. Army general training Afghan security forces says the White House should also double the size of the Afghan…

July 29, 2009

U.S. Needs a Stronger Commitment to Improving Afghan Governance

As military planners review strategy in the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan, CFR Senior Fellow Stephen Biddle says victory will be dependent on improving the capacity of the beleaguered Afghan gov…

October 2, 2003

Asmus: U.S.-NATO Gap Over Iraq Narrows Slightly

Ronald D. Asmus, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for European affairs in the Clinton administration and an expert on NATO, says that an “important first step” toward healing t…

December 1, 2009

Obama’s Withdrawal Date a Controversial Gambit

CFR’s top defense policy expert Stephen Biddle says President Obama’s announcement of a date for U.S. forces to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan could draw fire from wary Democrats, but also convey…