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February 2, 2009

Economic Crises
A Warning That Stimulus Plan Could Undermine U.S. Foreign Policy

Award-winning historian Walter Russell Mead says, "The key political question of the twenty-first century is, ’How does the U.S.-China relationship develop?’"

July 14, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
’Imperfect’ Iran Accord Could Exacerbate Mideast Situation

The new agreement between Iran does not resolve the problem and complicates U.S. relations with regional allies, says CFR President Richard N. Haass.

January 20, 2009

Palestinian Territories
’Inevitable’ that U.S. Will Have to Deal with Hamas

Middle East expert Richard W. Murphy says the United States runs the risk of delaying the Israeli-Palestinian peace process by blackballing Hamas. Though opening relations with the group may be neces…

January 7, 2009

Iran Supports Hamas, but Hamas Is No Iranian ’Puppet’

Karim Sadjadpour, a leading scholar on Iran, says even though Iran is a major funder for Hamas, it does not seem to have direct control over the Palestinian group.

January 5, 2007

Cordesman: In Iraq Speech, Bush Must ‘Admit Failures’ and Produce ‘Credible Plan’

Anthony H. Cordesman, a prominent analyst of the Iraq war, says if President Bush does not produce a credible, persuasive plan in his Iraq policy speech, “he is going to be perceived relatively quick…