474 Results for:

March 13, 2003

Task Force Director Says U.S. Cost of Iraqi Peace Stabalization and Reconstruction at Least $20 Billion a Year

Eric Schwartz, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who served as director of the Council-sponsored Independent Task Force on Iraq: The Day After, says that the United States has to m…

November 21, 2003

United Kingdom
Hoge: Bush’s Image and Message Likely Enhanced by Trip to Britain

Warren Hoge, the chief London correspondent for The New York Times, says that as a result of his trip to Britain, President Bush “has certainly improved his image” overseas. What remains t…

August 3, 2004

United States
Cordesman: 9/11 Commission Report Lacks Specifics

Anthony H. Cordesman, a leading expert on intelligence, says President Bush wisely declined to embrace all of the 9/11 Commission’s proposals for intelligence reform. Bush’s call for a new director o…

June 22, 2010

China’s Calculated Move on Yuan

By ending the yuan’s peg to the U.S. dollar, China will deflect pressure over its currency policy at the upcoming G20 meeting. But tensions will persist over the pace of reform, says CFR’s Steven Dun…

August 6, 2007

Saudi Arabia
Gause: U.S. Trying to Soften Saudi Hard Line toward Maliki Government

F. Gregory Gause, a leading Saudi Arabia expert, says the U.S. plan to sell some $20 billion in sophisticated military hardware to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states is part of a concerted effort in …