90 Results for:

September 8, 2003

Palestinian Territories
Siegman: The Middle East ’Road Map’ Has Collapsed

Henry Siegman, the Council on Foreign Relations’ foremost expert on Palestinian-Israeli relations, says that the Middle East road map for peace now seems dead, and he blames Israel and the United Sta…

April 28, 2014

Historic Iraq Election Brings New Uncertainties

An array of internal challenges looms over Iraq’s future as the country votes in its first general election since the 2011 U.S. withdrawal, explains expert Ned Parker.

January 26, 2010

Afghanistan Success Hinges on Karzai Reforms

Two key issues in Afghanistan are whether President Hamid Karzai will implement reforms and whether the American public is willing to invest the time it will take for a successful counterinsurgency, …

March 26, 2004

Middle East and North Africa
Arab Expert Says ’Everybody’ in Arab World Talking of Need for Wide-Ranging Reforms

Nathan J. Brown, a leading expert on Arab democratization, says there is widespread interest in the Arab world in political and other reforms. President Bush has called for increased democracy in the…

August 4, 2005

LYMAN: Impact of Mauritania Coup Unclear

A group of military officers staged a coup in the oil-rich western African nation of Mauritania August 3, deposing President Maaoya Sid’Ahmed Ould Taya and declaring they will hold power for two year…