96 Results for:

July 15, 2015

Puerto Rico
Deciphering Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis

Special tax incentives have enabled Puerto Rico to borrow irresponsibly for years, and now the island must take painful steps to balance its budget, explains expert Matt Fabian.

June 14, 2011

A ’Deepening’ European Union

Though Standard and Poor’s ranks Greece as the world’s lowest-rated economy, calling into question the eurozone’s future, economist Iain Begg says the debt crisis will paradoxically have the effect o…

July 21, 2005

Palestinian Territories
Makovsky: Very Hot Political Summer Ahead in Israel

David Makovsky, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, says that, with the scheduled withdrawal of Israeli settlers from Gaza, there is a “sense of a looming showdown” betwee…

September 27, 2005

Siegman: ‘Difficult to Be Optimistic’ About Current Israeli-Palestinian Situation

At a time of political ferment both within the Palestinians’ newly controlled Gaza Strip and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Likud Party, Henry Siegman, the director of the Council’s U.S./Middl…

June 10, 2008

Iraq Outlook Improves But Sustained U.S. Military Presence Remains Essential

diyaCFR military expert Stephen Biddle sees improvements in Iraqi security forces but worries about an erosion in stability if the U.S. military presence is sharply reduced.