1,538 Results for:

March 10, 2010

Palestinian Territories
A Rocky Path Forward in the Mideast

An Israeli announcement of more housing construction in East Jerusalem became the focus of Vice President Biden’s Middle East trip, but CFR’s Jacob Walles thinks the "proximity talks" starting next w…

June 17, 2009

'Crisis of Legitimacy’ in Iran

Arang Keshavarzian, an expert on Iranian politics at New York University, says the decision by the Iranian leadership to peremptorily announce President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s election victory has ali…

January 17, 2014

United States
Surveillance After Snowden

President Obama’s announced reforms should help restore public confidence in some controversial U.S. surveillance practices, says expert Andrew Weissmann.

December 18, 2007

Kupchan: Russian Opposition to Kosovo Independence ‘Perplexing’

Charles A. Kupchan, CFR’s top Europe expert, says with Kosovo on the cusp of announcing independence, he finds the continued Russian opposition “perplexing.”

January 20, 2012

United States
Examining Obama’s Pipeline Decision

The Keystone XL pipeline debate shows the pitfalls of politics intruding on energy policy, says CFR’s Michael Levi. He reviews the pros and cons of the issue and proposes additional steps to bolster …