38 Results for:

March 15, 2006

Glacel: Belarusian Opposition Gaining Speed but No Revolution in Sight

Amid signs of slipping popularity, Belarus’ authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenka is expected to win a new presidential term on March 19. An official with a prominent Western polling group tells …

August 3, 2016

Europe and Eurasia
The Islamic State’s Bloody Summer

Despite facing territorial losses, the Islamic State shows no sign of relenting in its campaign to spread terror beyond Iraq and Syria, says journalist Rukmini Callimachi.

March 15, 2018

Are Cold War Spy-Craft Norms Fading?

The poisoning of former double agent Sergei V. Skripal in the UK indicates that Russia may have abandoned some unspoken rules of espionage. CIA veteran Jack Devine examines the history and current state of spy-craft.

UK Skripal Poisoning Crime Scene

February 25, 2014

Ukraine’s New Era of Uncertainty

At a crucial moment for Ukraine and its economic viability, the EU and United States should join efforts with Russia to try to stabilize the country, says veteran journalist Serge Schmemann.

March 29, 2017

United States
Hard Power’s Essential Soft Side

President Trump’s proposal to build up the military while slashing funds for diplomacy and foreign assistance misses how “soft power” can advance the national interest, says Joseph S. Nye, who coined…