3,220 Results for:

November 3, 2009

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
More Afghan Troops Needed to Secure Afghanistan

As the Obama administration assesses American troop numbers in Afghanistan, the senior U.S. Army general training Afghan security forces says the White House should also double the size of the Afghan…

May 6, 2008

Bush, Rice Need to Get More Involved in Israeli-Palestinian Talks

Martin S. Indyk, who served as ambassador to Israel in the Clinton presidency and advises Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign, says it’s crucial for President Bush and Secretary of State Rice to become m…

March 1, 2010

Security Alliances
NATO at 61: Bear Trouble, and More

NATO members preparing for a new "strategic concept" to be issued at the November summit will have to both hash out serious differences about how NATO forces should be deployed and determine how best…

April 23, 2010

Fighting India’s Maoists Means More Than Guns

India must deal with the Maoist insurgency in its heartland by addressing social and economic grievances, not just with security measures, says Indian political analyst Mahesh Rangarajan.

August 15, 2007

Luers: U.S. Seems More Willing to Give UN Expanded Role in Iraq

William H. Luers, a top U.S. expert on the United Nations, says the recent Security Council resolution authorizing increased UN diplomatic activity in Iraq marks a change in U.S. policy.