1,706 Results for:

June 11, 2013

Elections and Voting
How to Read Iran’s Elections

A conservative candidate seems likely to win Iran’s presidential election this week, but the reform movement may yet be energized by the remaining moderate contender, says CFR’s Ray Takeyh.

November 1, 2012

United States
A Heavy Post-Election Agenda

No matter who wins the U.S. presidential election on Tuesday, an array of foreign policy challenges await, says CFR’s James Lindsay.

February 24, 2012

Elections and Voting
Iran’s Elections and Nuclear Politics

Iran’s March 2 parliamentary elections will shed light on the power struggle among conservative forces, says expert Farideh Farhi, adding that the political environment in Tehran and Washington makes…

June 29, 2012

Elections and Voting
What to Expect From Mexico’s Election

Whoever wins Mexico’s presidential election will need to jumpstart economic growth, work toward energy reform, and deal with a violent drug war, says CFR’s Shannon K. O’Neil.

August 30, 2010

The Folly of Holding Afghan Elections

Parliamentary elections in Afghanistan next month will be seen as a test of long-term stability. But analyst Candace Rondeaux says pre-election violence and corrupt candidates will undermine the vote…