1,626 Results for:

March 18, 2003

Former Marine Corps General Bernard Trainor Worries About U.S. Force Level and Lack of a Northern Front in Advance of Iraq War

Former Marine Corps General Trainor says he’s “not quite comfortable” with the size and makeup of the U.S. forces based in Kuwait, asserting that the military has been slow to send in…

May 22, 2008

United States
Africom Seeks Military-to-Military Relationships

General William Ward, head of U.S. Africa Command, discusses the new military command’s efforts to define its strategic approach in Africa.

May 1, 2015

United Kingdom
Is Britain Retreating From the World?

Despite the lack of foreign policy debate in the run-up to the UK general elections, pressing questions about the United Kingdom’s relationship with Scotland and the EU loom, says expert Richard G. W…

September 19, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
UNGA and a Troubled Mideast

The UN General Assembly will likely address two "lightning rod" issues: ending the bloodshed in Syria and curbing Iran’s nuclear development, says CFR’s Stewart Patrick.

August 27, 2007

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Feldman: Gonzales Damaged Justice Department’s Reputation

CFR’s Noah Feldman says outgoing U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales harmed the Department of Justice, especially abroad, by allowing it to become increasingly politicized.