380 Results for:

April 15, 2002

The Powell Mission

An explosion, apparently set off by a suicide bomber, killed at least six people at a bus stop near Jerusalem’s outdoor market Friday in an attack that coincided with a peace mission by U.S. Secretar…

August 20, 2005

America At War: Israel, the U.S. and the Middle East

As the U.S. and coalition forces continue military strikes in Afghanistan, the military prepares for the next step which could involve ground troops. Meanwhile, tensions are escalating in the Middle …

March 10, 2010

Palestinian Territories
A Rocky Path Forward in the Mideast

An Israeli announcement of more housing construction in East Jerusalem became the focus of Vice President Biden’s Middle East trip, but CFR’s Jacob Walles thinks the "proximity talks" starting next w…

November 5, 2008

Elections and Voting
Obama’s First Priority Should Be Economy

CFR President Richard N. Haass, who worked on previous presidential transitions, says that given the current world situation, he believes the first priority for President-elect Barack Obama lies in "…

September 4, 2013

How to Weaken the Assad Regime

The United States should cripple the Syrian government’s ability to kill masses of its own people and openly intensify its support to opposition forces, says expert Frederic C. Hof.