40 Results for:

February 24, 2006

Lang: Political Process Will Move Forward in Iraq, Despite Sectarian Violence

W. Patrick Lang, former head of Middle East Affairs and Counterterrorism at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, tells cfr.org the attack on the Askariya Shrine will not scuttle Iraq’s political pro…

January 30, 2006

Elections and Voting
After the Hamas Victory, What Next for Fatah?

Kadura Fares is a close aide and adviser to imprisoned senior Fatah leader and cabinet member Marwan Barghouti, who lost his own parliamentary seat in the Hamas landslide that chased Fatah from power…

July 31, 2006

Choucair: Israeli Attacks on Lebanese Civilians Hurt U.S. Standing in Region

Julia Choucair, an expert on Lebanon, says even though many Lebanese people and several Arab governments criticized Hezbollah for instigating the crisis with Israel, the Israeli air attacks, includin…

December 11, 2006

International Organizations
Hyde Cites Unfinished Business on UN Reform, Public Diplomacy

The retiring chairman of the House International Relations Committee, Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL), says Washington needs to be tough on reforming the United Nations. He also urges the new Democratic major…

August 17, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Al-Qaeda Crippled But Resilient

Former U.S. counterterrorism coordinator Henry A. Crumpton says al-Qaeda is still capable of inspiring attacks.