20 Results for:

October 10, 2012

Venezuela After the Vote

The victory of President Hugo Chávez raises questions about the country’s future trajectory. Expert Jennifer McCoy details the post-election political landscape.

April 28, 2017

Can China Become the World’s Clean Energy Leader?

China seems poised to surpass the United States in leading clean energy innovation and climate change response, but Beijing faces internal challenges to energy reform.

January 4, 2011

What’s Spelled Out in Khodorkovsky’s Sentence

Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s sentencing to another prison term was a foregone conclusion, underscoring both the continued power of President Putin and Khodorkovsky’s arrogance in trying to thwart him, says…

July 28, 2011

United Kingdom
Britain’s Scandal, Private Media and Public Interest

Britain’s phone-hacking scandal is raising questions about the power and reach of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. For Columbia University’s Nicholas Lemann, the episode proves the value of expanding p…

August 30, 2010

The Folly of Holding Afghan Elections

Parliamentary elections in Afghanistan next month will be seen as a test of long-term stability. But analyst Candace Rondeaux says pre-election violence and corrupt candidates will undermine the vote…