608 Results for:

February 17, 2010

U.S.-China: Dalai Lama Drama

Tensions over the first visit of the Dalai Lama to the Obama White House indicate China’s mounting domestic concerns even as it exercises growing global clout, says Tibet expert Robert Barnett.

May 10, 2012

United States
Obama and the Laws of War

Targeted killings are up in Yemen and military trials have resumed in Guantanamo. CFR’s Matthew Waxman assesses the White House’s evolving legal basis for its war on al-Qaeda.

November 3, 2009

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
More Afghan Troops Needed to Secure Afghanistan

As the Obama administration assesses American troop numbers in Afghanistan, the senior U.S. Army general training Afghan security forces says the White House should also double the size of the Afghan…

November 13, 2003

Defense Expert Korb Says Top Military Officials in Iraq "Very Frustrated" Fighting Elusive Enemy

Lawrence J. Korb, just returned from a Defense Department-sponsored visit to Iraq, says that the military situation in Iraq is “much more difficult than we have been led to believe.” He reports that …

August 1, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa
What to Expect at the U.S.-Africa Summit

With the White House set to host some fifty heads of state for the first-ever U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, CFR Adjunct Senior Fellow Jendayi Frazer discusses major items on the summit’s agenda.