258 Results for:

February 6, 2018

The Mixed Record of Sports Diplomacy

While sports may temporarily transcend divisions in society, events like the Olympics rarely serve to advance countries’ diplomatic aims.

East Germany was a perennial powerhouse at winter games, including the 1988 Calgary games where it won gold and bronze in the women’s 1000 meters Speedskating event.

May 9, 2003

Palestinian Territories
Siegman Warns That Unless Bush Presses Sharon, Success for the ‘Road Map’ Remain Remote

Henry Siegman, the Council on Foreign Relations’ foremost expert on Israeli-Palestinian relations, says that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has staked out a position that “hardly auge…

February 5, 2003

Timetable for Possible War Against Iraq Could Slip Beyond March, Peters Says

Michael P. Peters, a career army officer and executive vice president and director of studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, says that Secretary of State Colin Powell’s February 5 present…

December 26, 2003

Mead: Bush’s Policies Achieve Success in Difficult Year

Walter Russell Mead, the Council’s expert on U.S. foreign policy, says President Bush has scored “some successes” in the past year and maintained “a very high level of political support in the United…

April 22, 2003

Former U.S. Envoy Sees ‘Positive Results’ in Syrian Ties; Urges U.S. to Pursue Israel-Palestinian Accord After Iraq

Edward P. Djerejian, a former U.S. ambassador to Syria, says that despite the recent harsh words from Washington, he sees the likelihood of “positive results” flowing from U.S.-Syrian rela…