34 Results for:

July 10, 2017

Why Beijing Fails to Fight Human Trafficking

Despite a verbal commitment to international standards, the Chinese government lacks the political will to take on trafficking and protect broader human rights.

Relatives of detained rights lawyers and activists protest in front of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate in Beijing, July 7, 2017.

March 13, 2017

The Futility of Force in Yemen

An escalation in U.S. counterterrorism strikes is unlikely to degrade the country’s al-Qaeda affiliate and a two-year-long Saudi-led air campaign is no closer to defeating Houthi rebels, says Ambassa…

May 23, 2007

Edwards: America Needs a Plan to Forestall Iraq Genocide

Sen. John Edwards, a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, discusses foreign policy with Michael Moran, executive editor of CFR.org.

April 5, 2013

Grand Strategy
A New Push for Mideast Peace

Secretary of State John Kerry is launching new Mideast shuttle diplomacy, but President Obama’s commitment to brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement remains to be seen, says expert Martin I…

January 5, 2007

Cordesman: In Iraq Speech, Bush Must ‘Admit Failures’ and Produce ‘Credible Plan’

Anthony H. Cordesman, a prominent analyst of the Iraq war, says if President Bush does not produce a credible, persuasive plan in his Iraq policy speech, “he is going to be perceived relatively quick…