50 Results for:

May 16, 2003

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Expert Gregory Gause Says Riyadh Attacks Could Be ‘Wake-Up Call’ for Saudis to Crack Down on Terrorists

F. Gregory Gause III, a prominent expert on Saudi society and politics, says that the terrorist attacks on residential compounds in Riyadh will force the Saudi leadership to make a critical decision…

September 4, 2003

Jones: Personal and Financial Ties Between al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah

Sidney Jones, a leading expert on Indonesia and its terror movements, says there are “solid links” between Osama bin Laden’s network and Jemaah Islamiyah (J.I.). But, she adds, “I am also very strong…

August 4, 2005

LYMAN: Impact of Mauritania Coup Unclear

A group of military officers staged a coup in the oil-rich western African nation of Mauritania August 3, deposing President Maaoya Sid’Ahmed Ould Taya and declaring they will hold power for two year…

December 8, 2011

Conflict Prevention
Gauging Top Global Threats in 2012

The eurozone and Saudi Arabia are elevated threats in 2012 under CFR’s new Preventive Priorities Survey, while Afghanistan and Sudan are reduced. CFR’s Micah Zenko discusses.

August 30, 2011

Syria and Iran’s Power Calculus

A new regime in Damascus could threaten Iran’s support of Hezbollah and deprive Tehran of its one ally in the region, so it’s counseling the Assad government to hang tough, says Iran expert Karim Sad…