20 Results for:

November 16, 2009

Climate Change
Securing U.S. Energy Supplies

Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers says nuclear investment and partnering with Chinese energy firms are important steps to building U.S. energy security.

October 2, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Free Speech and Muslim Unrest

The debate over freedom of expression in new Arab and Muslim democracies should be seen as part of a larger historical transition, says Duke University’s Timur Kuran.

June 5, 2013

United States
Can Government Safeguard the Internet?

The U.S. government needs to marshal its cybersecurity resources in support of the private sector and build alliances with international partners, says former CIA director Michael Hayden, member of a…

July 21, 2011

The Pentagon’s Cyberstrategy

The Pentagon’s new strategy for operating in cyberspace breaks little ground and offers few specifics, says CFR’s Adam Segal. While the last six months have been busy for U.S. cybersecurity policy, h…

August 16, 2017

Radicalization and Extremism
What Is the Far Right’s Threat to National Security?

Armed protests in Charlottesville highlight how the U.S. government has long devoted insufficient resources toward countering domestic far-right movements.

A militia member rallies in Charlottesville.