18 Results for:

July 12, 2007

Biddle: Stick With ‘Surge’ or Pull Out of Iraq Now

Stephen Biddle, CFR’s top military analyst on Iraq, says the only analytically sound alternatives in Iraq are to either pull out now, or to stick with a revamped “surge.”

April 10, 2007

Verleger: Natural Gas Cartel Could Emerge in Future, But Not Now

Philip K. Verleger Jr., an energy policy expert, says meetings of natural gas exporting countries in Qatar are not likely to be very significant in short term, but in time “could be very significant.”

February 8, 2010

Obama and EU: Shedding Rose-Colored Glasses

President Obama’s decision to skip an upcoming summit in Spain set off a European reaction that highlighted areas of conflicting interests between the EU and the U.S., says CFR Europe expert Charles …

August 13, 2012

What’s at Stake in Putin’s Culture War

The trial of a punk band in Russia reflects the Putin regime’s hard-line opinions on political dissent, and those views are shaping its foreign policy, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.