90 Results for:

November 7, 2008

United States
Previewing ’Bretton Woods Two’

CFR’s Peter Kenen discusses the current financial crisis and what will come of the upcoming international financial summit.

August 20, 2012

Morsi and the Egyptian Military Shuffle

President Morsi’s reshuffling of top military ranks rebalances political power toward the civilian regime but may unsettle minorities who had hoped the military would check the power of the Muslim Br…

December 17, 2008

United States
Bush Administration ’Drained and Lessened’ American Power in World

As President George W. Bush enters his final month in office, Leslie H. Gelb, a former high-ranking national security official who served ten years as CFR’s president, assesses the Bush administratio…

July 5, 2012

Economic Crises
Fraying European Unity

The financial and political crisis facing Europe can only be redressed with further eurozone integration that the continent’s publics may not be ready for, says CFR’s Charles A. Kupchan.

January 30, 2014

The U.S. Dilemma in Egypt

The United States doesn’t welcome a military takeover in Egypt, but its options are hamstrung by the need for Egypt to be a regional security partner as well as a peace partner for Israel, says Miche…